Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Plague x3

This week's practice had some major setbacks.  Only got two home sessions in and had to miss Teacher Training.  Was hit with a nasty cold, painful tooth infection, and all-day morning sickness. Clayton got the cold too, and my poor mother visiting from Montana got the stomach virus that hit us a couple weeks ago.  What a mess we all were.  Luckily the baby stayed well- I don't know how he does it, but I'm eternally grateful.

With all of this happening I've fallen a bit behind in the readings for class, but have begun to catch up and reinstate the schedule that had been developing.  Hoping to get a chance to meet with Jen to cover what I missed in class.

If husband is home early enough, and I feel well enough, hoping to get to the Gentle Yoga and Meditation class tonight.  This experience has left me wondering, when one is ill, is it best to rest or to continue with practice?  As a teacher, if I notice that a student is ill, what recommendations or specific pranayama/asanas could be useful?  Yoga for decongestion?  Yoga for morning sickness?  Yoga for rotten teeth?

Tomorrow's root canal will be a great time to practice pratyahara.

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